Développer des filières hydrogène verte économiquement compétitives en Afrique : politique, recherche et règlementations
Recordings The recording of the ASR Talk is now available: Contexte et enjeu De nombreux pays dans le monde se sont engagés à atteindre des objectifs de décarbonisation au cours des 30 à 40 prochaines années, souvent avec des objectifs intermédiaires pour 2030. Ces ambitions politiques sont généralement mises en Read more…
Policy Dialogue on Sustainable and Scalable Minigrid Business Models.
From 10 to 12 September, the African School of Regulation (ASR), in collaboration with the Mini-Grid Partnership (MGP) and its secretariat hosted by Sustainable Energy for ALL (SEforALL), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Makerere University, organised a three-day policy dialogue in Kampala to discuss sustainable and scalable Read more…
About the event: Africa's energy demand is projected to surge in the coming years, driven by population growth and economic development. Energy efficiency offers a key solution for managing this demand while reducing emissions and ensuring equitable access to electricity.This webinar will bring together policymakers, regulators, industry leaders, and experts Read more…
New opportunities for electricity retailing activities in Africa
This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities of electricity retailing in Africa. Traditionally, retailing has been a monopolistic activity controlled by the distribution network owner. However, the low demand in rural areas has led to unsustainable distributor business models. To address this issue, experts have proposed new business models Read more…
Digital Pathways to Rooftop Solar Adoption: Integration and Regulatory Readiness in Africa
Africa faces a significant energy access challenge, with millions lacking reliable electricity and clean cooking facilities. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), like rooftop solar, offer a promising solution to this problem. However, the integration of DERs into existing power systems requires careful regulatory considerations and advanced digital technologies. This webinar seeks Read more…
la transition énergétique juste en Afrique:Approches réglementaires pour Renforcer l’appropriation locale
Le concept de transition énergétique juste (TEC) va au-delà du simple passage des combustibles fossiles aux énergies renouvelables.
Power Sector Regulation in Africa 10-Week Course: An Informational Session
Learn more about ASR’s upcoming 10-week Power Sector Regulation in Africa course in this exclusive informational session.
Electrification of Healthcare Facilities in Africa
The African School of Regulation (ASR) and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) invite you to a high-level online conference on the regulatory interventions, business model designs, and financial approaches necessary to electrify health facilities in Africa.
ASR Talk: Global Pathways to Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Financing Adaptation in Namibia and Beyond
About the event This ASR Talk on financing climate adaptation in Africa featured Tuwilika Nailoke Shaimemanya, Associate Programme Management Officer for Partnerships at the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat), and was moderated by Carol Ofafa, Research Associate at the African School of Regulation. The discussion explored how Namibia's experiences Read more…