Développer des filières hydrogène verte économiquement compétitives en Afrique : politique, recherche et règlementations

Recordings The recording of the ASR Talk is now available: Contexte et enjeu De nombreux pays dans le monde se sont engagés à atteindre des objectifs de décarbonisation au cours des 30 à 40 prochaines années, souvent avec des objectifs intermédiaires pour 2030. Ces ambitions politiques sont généralement mises en Read more…

Electricity Access and Healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Initial Conversation

About the event This event will explore the critical link between reliable electricity access and effective healthcare delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa. An estimated 100,000 health facilities lack dependable electricity, hindering basic services like lighting, medical equipment operation, and vaccine and medication storage. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the urgency of addressing Read more…

International Online Conference: Private investment in electricity transmission in Africa

The African School of Regulation (ASR), Gridworks, and Hunton Andrews Kurth, in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the African Forum of Utility Regulators (AFUR), organized a high-level online conference on the regulatory environment, business model designs, and financial approaches necessary to attract private investment in the transmission Read more…

A Sustainable Energy Future for Africa Podcast: Are universal energy access and fighting climate change compatible goals?

Interview with Laura Cozzi and Carol Mungo Laura Cozzi, Director of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks and Chief Energy Modeller at the International Energy Agency (IEA) shared her thoughts on whether universal energy access and fighting climate change are compatible goals. We also feature an emerging voice, Carol Mungo, former Research Read more…