International Conference on Concessions in the Power Sector – Learning from Practitioners
About the EventThe African School of Regulation (ASR), the MIT Energy Initiative, and the World Bank, in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Commission to End Energy Poverty, invited participants to a high-level online conference championed by the Government of Ghana on the role of concessions in accelerating Read more…
Online Conference “Sustainable and Scalable Minigrid Business Models”
About the event A high-level policy dialogue was held to take stock of the latest advances in technology, regulation, business models, and financing, as well as relevant positive and negative experiences in the deployment of minigrids. Recordings Videos of the online sessions are now available: Watch here Objectives To define Read more…
Minigrid Industry Roadmap
Our partner, Husk Power, and other top industry leaders gathered on February 16th, 2023, for a thought-provoking dialogue on "Unlocking the Potential of Minigrids." We hope you didn't miss out on the chance to gain valuable insights and learn what is needed to create long-term viability and scale for the Read more…
Policy Dialogue: Renewable Generation and Regional Power Trade in Africa
Centro de Convenciones Norte, IFEMA RECINTO FERIAL DE IFEMA MADRID Av. del Partenón, 5, Madrid, SpainThe International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) brought representatives from business, governments, civil society, science, and academia, all of whom participated in discussions and debates with the objective of building collective know-how to advance renewables at the international, national, and sub-national levels. The IREC was hosted by a national government and Read more…
Sustainable and Scalable Minigrid Business Model
Recordings The recording of the ASR Talk is now available: Watch here According to estimates by the mini-grid industry and well-known international organisations, more than 200,000 mini-grids must be deployed in Africa to achieve the goal of universal electricity access in the continent by 2030. Most of the large volume Read more…
Power Pools in Africa: Releasing the Potential of Regional Power Trade
About the Event French TranslationSimultaneous translation will be provided for those who wish to listen in French. Conference Brochure Conference Recordings Recordings Videos of the online sessions are now available: Watch here Speakers' Bio Reading Materials The policy dialogue will be maintained at the expert level. The following background readings for Read more…
Private Investment in Africa’s Energy Infrastructure: The Role of Regulation
About the Event The African Union, on June 4th, 2021, officially launched the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM), the world's largest continent-wide energy trading program meant to interconnect all 55 African Union Member States through an efficient, affordable, and sustainable electricity market (AU 2021). The first phase of AfSEM was Read more…
La Délégation de Service Public : Un outil pour déployer l’accès à l’électricité pour tous dans les pays Africains? Un regard sur l’Afrique francophone
À propos de l'événementCe webinaire vise à donner l'occasion à des décideurs politiques, des opérateurs électriques (publics ou privés), des régulateurs, des universitaires de partager leurs expériences et d'explorer les moyens d'adapter les modèles de DSP pour accélérer l’accès à l’électricité pour tous - en et hors réseau - en Read more…
Powering Progress: The Role of Regulation in Fast-tracking Electricity Access
About the EventAccording to the Electricity Regulatory Index for Africa 2022, Uganda, Egypt, Senegal, Ghana, and Kenya emerged as the leading countries in terms of well-established regulatory frameworks. These nations have witnessed positive responses from their utility providers in adhering to regulatory instructions whilst regulators are forward-looking and capable of Read more…
Off-grid solar systems: Towards sustainable and scalable business models
About the EventThe conference will focus on the specification of the fundamental regulatory conditions, business model designs, and financial approaches that are necessary for the off-grid solar industry to fully play its role in achieving universal electricity access. Participants – from off-grid solar companies, private investors, policy makers, regulatory agencies, Read more…