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Three Executive Course offered by the Power Futures Lab at the Graduate School of Business in the University of Cape Town
The course gives managers and leaders working in this critical sector the ability to contribute to the reform of the power sector and deliver sustainable, affordable services to everyone – while still accelerating economic growth. The course is focused on Africa’s needs and exposes participants to international best practice in managing reform and the new regulatory environment. This specialised short course explores new research on the power systems & utility of the future, new power market reforms, offers a thorough grounding in the fundamentals and practice of economic regulation and seeks new models to manage power systems effectively. The course prepares industry practitioners and policy makers for the future with the growth of variable renewable energy and distributed energy. https://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/power-reform-regulation
The course is offered annually (October) targeting high-level policy makers, board members, executives, senior managers, advisors and professionals in the energy sector.
Finance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Investment in Africa is a specialized short course at the UCT GSB teaching the theory and practice of power project financing. This course is aimed at building capacity in the key areas of project finance, associated contracts such as Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), and risk mitigation measures – including credit enhancement, security measures, and political insurance – mainly for public sector officials. The specialised course aims to plug this skills gap and unlock growth and investment in the sector. https://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/power-financing
The course is offered annually (March) targeting high-level policy makers, board members, executives, senior managers, advisors (technical and legal) and professionals in the energy sector’s project development and negotiation segments.
Financial modelling for tariff setting is a core skillset for professionals working in the continent’s power sector regulatory, municipal and utility space. The Financial Modelling for Utility Tariff Setting course gives managers, senior professionals and advisors in utilities, regulatory authorities and government policymakers the skills needed to set tariffs in a regulated context. The course provides a basic and advanced understanding of the building blocks of a tariff-setting financial model in a regulated environment. It teaches delegates to build a financial model – including all constituent parts such as regulatory asset base, weighted average cost of capital, and energy and input costs – that can run sensitivity analyses and provide various tariff paths, underpinned by conceptual economic and financial reasoning. https://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/financial-modelling
The course is offered annually targeting pricing directors and managers, specialists in tariff setting, financial analysts, high-level policy makers, executives, senior managers, advisors and professionals in the energy sector.
For further information, please contact
peter.twesigye@uct.ac.za, wikus.kruger@uct.ac.za